Almost everybody loves doing cardio when they go to the gym. It is a great way to get warmed up into your routine or, better said, it gets you into the zone. We step on the treadmill, plug in our earbuds, set the speed and incline and away we go. This is where we start to huff and puff a little bit. We feel the sweat starting to form and it feels like a good thing to us. Our workout is off to a great start when we get a foundational round of cardio in. Salespeople love sales cardio almost more than any other type of exercise, but there are some of you that don’t. Why? Because this is where we market ourselves. Make no mistake, I am not talking about prospecting. That’s a different group of muscles and exercises to discuss at a later time. Prospecting is the process of getting your marketing message in front of potential clients a few at a time. This also is not marketing in the traditional sense of setting up a campaign, advertisement or swapping out colors on a logo. This type of marketing is about your personal brand. Who are you? What impression do you want to leave others with? What do you want others to say about you to potential clients? What type of clients do you want your reputation to attract? Most of us overlook our personal brand because we assume that it is understood by everyone; and it is, but it may not be in the way you would prefer. If you don’t believe me, check out your LinkedIn profile. Have you updated it lately?. When was the last time you had an updated professional photograph (you are worth it, aren’t you)? Still passing out the same old business cards you were using 5 years ago? Maybe it is time for you to do a little sales cardio. What are some good sales cardio exercises that you can do to build up and market your personal brand? The best place to start is your appearance. This may seem a little superficial, but when it comes to sales, the way you present yourself makes a big difference whether you like it or not. If you do not dress as a professional, do not expect to be treated like one. Admittedly I am no more of a fashion expert than I am a fitness expert, but I can tell you that if you feel stale when you get dressed in the morning, you look stale and I’m guessing that your new business sales don’t look much better. And if you aren’t willing to invest in yourself and your appearance, why would you expect customers to invest their dollars into what you’re selling. Take a hint and go shopping already. Besides, you’re worth it. LinkedIn is some of the best sales cardio you can do these days. Posting content, sharing updates and reaching out to other LinkedIn members is a great way to stay relevant. I know that this platform isn’t for everyone and I am not suggesting that it is essential, but you really are missing out on a lot when you avoid social media. People who do more get more and those who master it get a certain piece of the pie that you will never taste because you never try. Networking events, professional organization and community hobnobbing are also really good sales cardio. Going out and just meeting people keeps us in front of our target audience and helps us to keep our ear to the rail to listen for the next opportunity to come down the line. I admit that people exhaust me in much the same way as being on an actual treadmill, so I don’t blame you if networking is not your thing, but if you avoid this crucial exercise, you will notice how sore and ineffective your muscles feel when it comes time to sell. So roll up your sleeves and get to work on your most important sales asset: yourself. For inspiration, read about how we’re making the world a better place through sales.