Everything you Sell Improves Someone’s Life and/or Business

Everything you sell improves someone’s life and/or business. 


Every salesperson should recite this each morning the same way that school children recite the pledge of allegiance. What you have is valuable to someone and you know this because you already have customers. Don’t believe me? Here’s your proof: If what you sold didn’t make something better for someone else, no one would buy it and it wouldn’t exist. 

 But there are more people out there who will also benefit from this and they just don’t know you and your product/service yet. 


Everything you sell improves someone’s life and/or business. 


This simple statement can, and should, make you rejection proof. Yes, there are people out there who will not benefit from what you sell, or at least not today, but that just means that they are not one of the lucky few. But what if they should be and they don’t know it yet? Then ask yourself if you made them aware of this. Sometimes we forget over time and we just get bogged down thinking and talking about price. Remember, people will shop you on price when they perceive no other value.


Everything you sell improves someone’s life and/or business. 


If this is true then we know what you sell makes a difference which means you are making a difference because you are helping people. Those of you who don’t like to think of yourselves as salespeople will really like that because it eases the pressure while giving you a sense of purpose. However, are you ready to help as many people as you can? Because if you do, the world will be an even better place.


Everything you sell improves someone’s life and/or business. 


But you’re not the only company selling this, or maybe you feel that what you offer is a commodity. Fair enough, but there is a reason why you have customers despite the abundance of competition. It is because there is something quite unique about who you are, where you are, how you do what you do and who you do it for that really matters. There are more customers out there that are similar to the ones you already have that will value you for your uniqueness. You just have to find them.


Everything you sell improves someone’s life and/or business. 


Today is the day that you can help someone by selling something that will improve their life and/or business. Don’t waste the opportunity by being embarrassed, uninspired or passive. Someone out there needs your help. It’s up to you to find them and talk to them, and they will be glad when you do. Keep going. You got this. 

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