Do You Need a Sales “Physical”?

 Do You Need a Sales “Physical”? What’s your sales culture? Is it thriving and healthy or is it aching and sluggish? Are you trendy and modern with sophisticated technology? Is your sales management savvy and sharp or fuzzy and out of focus? Do you land somewhere in the middle? There are no wrong answers and each culture has merits and flaws. The goal with sales culture assessment is to find out where you are and provide a baseline for measuring improvement and success. Every sales department has a unique culture. From one man show through global corporations, whether you have a large sales team or you wear all the hats, including sales – you have a sales culture.  Your company’s sales culture is formed by many factors. Think about these common scenarios:The overall company culture. Is the company financially healthy or is it on life support? Perhaps it’s experiencing growth pains with many new people and processes. Or maybe you feel the pain of a fractured relationship with production or leadership. Is everyone working together toward known, achievable goals or are you a series of isolated islands? Is the competition healthy, fun, and vibrant or are employees cutthroat and hostile? Does the customer experience motivate and inspire your team? Or perhaps you and your sales team are frequently distracted by performing emergency procedures to save face for the company.Do your sales people have clearly defined goals and a transparent process to achieve them? Is there a culture of trust and confidence? Is mentoring intentional or non-existent? Your sales culture has a huge impact on sales performance and success. Defining and adjusting the culture sets the pace for focused, happy sales people to enjoy their work and get results that benefit them, your team, and ultimately, the entire company. Just as a physician performs a physical to assess general health, medications, and complaints, your sales “doctor” will take the vital signs of your company and its sales team. This “sales physical” is the first step to determine the proper prescription for sales success for you and your company. Scorecard Sales free Sales Culture Assessment is painless and provides an accurate x-ray diagnosis of sales ailments and overall health. Scorecard Sales believes in “making the world a better place through sales” Let us help you to assess, define, and make needed changes for your company’s sales culture with a free Sales Culture Assessment. Your free assessment will be digitally delivered to each sales team member and treated confidentially. The results are “scored” (but don’t worry, there’s no failing grade here!) and you will get a baseline on your needs to start you on the path to success. Contact the “sales doctor”, Aaron Jacobs today and get your FREE sales “physical” to start you on the path to robust and healthy sales.

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