Hesitate? Investigate!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wanted to say something that was on your mind and, just as you were about to, you changed your mind and kept it to yourself? There can be all kinds of reasons why you hesitate; you didn’t exactly know how to say what you wanted to say, you weren’t sure if this was the right time to say it or maybe you were worried about sounding stupid. Sometimes that thought will perish in the moment, but other times you regret not speaking up because the thought was important to you and now you feel unsatisfied. Guess who else feels this feeling? Everyone; especially your customers. Part of being a good salesperson is knowing how to read your customers and although there is a real art to doing this, there are some basic things you can do to be effective. It doesn’t take a lot of skill to know when someone is holding back on their thoughts. They stop mid sentence, they open their mouth and nothing comes out, they wince or you can just feel them holding back. The moment you detect that a customer is going to hesitate, you must investigate.


Why is this important? Because we should always want to know what the customer is thinking when it comes to the sale. What are their questions, concerns and objections? Trust me, if there is an objection lingering in their mind, the longer it goes unacknowledged the more it festers and the worse it gets. The customer wants to say what’s on their mind and there is something about the customer experience that you are creating that is not making them feel comfortable to express themselves. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you did something wrong, but you’re about to if you don’t find out what’s going on. You shouldn’t be afraid to hear things are uncomfortable or counter to the sale because it at least demonstrates that the customer has some degree of trust with you. Afterall, isn’t trust the holy grail of what every salesperson strives for in a customer relationship? Do the right thing when a customer hesitates and give them an opportunity to express their thoughts by following these easy steps.


Immediate attention – The most effective way to address a hesitation is to catch it the moment it happens. This will give you the most raw and truthful thoughts that your customer has. They have something on their mind and now is not the time for secrets.


Create a safe place – This is the time to listen to your customer without judgment if you intend to build trust. Let them know that it is okay to speak their mind and that you appreciate honesty in all its forms.


Thank them – Investigating a hesitation will make the customer vulnerable, so be sure to thank them for sharing their sensitive thoughts. Remember, customers feel safe when they feel heard and understood.


Express Empathy – Make sure that the customer knows that this particular thought, along with any other thought they may have is ok. Statements like, “I can see how you got there with your thoughts” goes a long way in demonstrating mutual respect. 


Seek a Solution – The hesitation represents some form of inner conflict that the customer is experiencing, so some sort of solution is going to be necessary. Some solutions are as simple as a mutual understanding, but others may require additional work. Every situation is unique, so be certain to use your best judgment to find a mutually beneficial solution. 

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