No In-Person Sales Meetings? Aaron Answers

Question: My usual workday consists of in person client meetings, how do I conduct these when my client’s businesses are closed? It is very important to show respect to your clients during this time of uncertainty. They have bigger issues than they have ever faced before and need this time to frame their business strategy. If they do have a pressing need for you to address, then any remote meeting option is fine. I would suspect that most people will prefer the telephone only as they are not suiting up to work from home and don’t want to be seen still in their pajamas at 10:45 AM with their kids in the background. You may want to limit these meetings as well or keep them as concise as possible. Try to conduct your business in 30 minutes or less. If you’ve relied solely on in-person meetings, phone meetings may be daunting at first. Consider some practice and role playing. If you need extra coaching and support, Scorecard Sales can help you develop this fundamental skill with a training session. This module will provide you with valuable feedback that will empower you to conduct phone and remote sales meetings with confidence. There is a very strong possibility that you are going to be rescheduling many of your meetings. Although this may disappoint you at first, reschedule with a glad heart knowing that when you are able to finally resume a normal work schedule that you will have your calendar prebooked with appointments to get you going.

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